Sunday, January 4, 2009

Letters to my brother

Our kids wrote a letter to their brother in Ethiopia and we put them in his stocking and read them on Christmas morning. I thought they were so sweet and hillarious too-

Dear Brother,
I miss you while you are in Africa and I hope you be here soon. I miss you and I can't wait until you get home. This is from Josiah. I hope that your skin is brown like usually African people are. I'll share my toys and animals whenever you want some when you get home. I have a sister named Selah that is very sweet and beautiful and that's who will be your sister when you get home. We will have another sister after we get you and you can play with all of us. I hope I get to play with you and I am excited that you get to sleep in my room. I hope you have black hair and I hope you like sports and I hope you like army, pirates, blocks and a king castle and I can't wait that you get to sleep in my room and I hope you are excited. We will see you when you get home. And we have all sorts of things. And I am praying for you and people in Africa like your friends and I hope you like me. And I would like to say other things to you but I have to get to picking up my room. That's all I can say.


Dear Sister,*
I love you too. I love my bubba and I hug him and I want to play a game with you. And I love you and hug you when you come to our house and I love you because I like you, I hope I walk with you and hold your hand and we love him and mommy does because we like you. I hope you like baseball and barbies. I hope you look like me. I hope you get up and walk. I hope your name is baby Grayson. I will love you when I see you for the first time. I can't wait to tell you about the man on the roof. I am praying for you and your birthmother and your forever mommy. I hope I get princess stuff for Christmas and you get batman stuff. I love you.


*We have explained to Selah over and over again that we are adopting a boy this time but she is convinced that it will be a girl, so I tried to correct her with her letter to her "sister", but she insisted. "Baby Grayson" is our nephew and she thinks he should share his name! The man on the roof is a neighbor who fell off his roof and broke his leg and she is a little obssessed with it- and prays for him at each meal. I hope she won't be too disappointed that he will not have blonde hair and blue eyes!!


Chrys and Mike said...

LOVE IT. These made me tear up.

"and I love you because I like you..."

Precious. So, so excited for you guys. 2009 is going to be something!


Aleks said...

Selah is a trip! I made my husband pause Lost and his nerdy computer game to read Selah's letter. It just kills me. I am always grateful for a laugh. So presh!